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A member registered Nov 16, 2020

Recent community posts

I escaped the T-pose monstrosity, I went to stairs and it said demo ended here.

Oh my god, I love it! All the parts work really well and it's so cute.

Thanks for replying. I enjoyed it!

What's the difference between QiQi Kick!.exe and QiQi Kick!_C.exe ?

Hi, this tool is working for me. But there is one problem. The program is too big for my laptop. I cannot see the export button at the bottom and I had to use Tab key to access it.

How disrespectful

Right now, you can't.

After making Selene your obedient slave, the game ends the part 3. Then it mentions there is one last part to the story. If I remember correctly, that part was gonna be about advancing your power and ascendence on the whole universe. But the game is to be continued. I am not sure if I have the final version so I wonder, is part 4 still not available? If so, do you have plans for it in the future?

By the way, I really enjoyed the whole game from its story to gameplay and was able to get all secrets. Thank you for your hard work!

There is a walking stickman icon if you hover on the temple but clicking on it does nothing.

Omg yes, Sylvie vibes

There is an issue with Turkish translation. It should say "Türkçe" in language selection not "Türkiye".